Special offer « early booking »
Take advantage of price advantages on renting accommodation by booking before
the dates indicated below.
In accomodations :
- 10% discount for a stay of minimum 7 nights (excluding booking fees, options and tourist taxes) in accomodation for a stay between 07/02/20 and 08/03/20 and between 10/07/20 and 30/08/20 for a booking before 31/01/20.
On pitches :
- 5% discount for a stay of minimum 7 nights (excluding booking fees, options and tourist taxes) on pitches with electricity for a stay between 07/02/20 and 08/03/20 and between 10/07/20 and 30/08/20 for a booking before 31/01/20.
So do not hesitate and come and take advantage of the "early booking" promotions for your next stay in the Alps at Lake Annecy with your family.
Benefit from preferential rates on the rental of your accommodation at Eden Savoie campsite.
To anticipate in advance the booking of your holidays at the campsite in Savoie, is to take advantage of exceptional promotions. That's why we offer you the possibility to save your rental budget or mobile home in Savoie.
Offer not cumulative !