Ecological campsite Savoie

Campsite turned on the environment
We wish to invest in our ecological campground and start a ecological approach by making our establishment a little more eco-friendly. Unfortunately, we cannot act alone and we need you, dear customers!
To recycle :
Waste sorting garbage cans are located just after the exit of the Eden de la Vanoise camping Savoy : please sort your waste and do not throw them in the nature !
To limit energy expenses :
Heating / air conditioning (for the bungalows) :
- Avoiding turning all heaters to maximum and turning them down to minimum if you are not there
- By giving priority to air conditioning during the day (which consumes less energy than heating)
- By leaving windows and doors closed if the heating or air conditioning is on.
- Close the dampers when it’s too hot rather than running the air conditioner at full power.
Lighting :
- Open the curtains to take advantage of the natural light rather than turning on all the lamps
- Make sure that all lamps are off when you are away (and turn off the outdoor lamp at night).
To limit water waste :
- When you wash your hands, warm water is enough, no need to waste hot water
- When you no longer need water, make sure the taps are turned off.
- Don’t waste water by taking a 30-minute shower.

Our ecological approaches
What we have put in place :
- All our light bulbs are energy saving or LED
- The solar panels located on the roof of the winter toilet block provide domestic hot water.
- We use a heat pump to heat the water in the pool.
- We use as much recycled paper as possible for our drafts.
- We respect the selective sorting (with the sorting garbage cans placed at the exit of the campsite)
- We accompany our clients on foot, by bike or electric scooter in the campsite and try to limit the use of the car as much as possible.
- We shred our green waste and mulch on the sites.
- We have installed ecological waterless urinals in the winter toilet block.
- We have just installed more than 100m² of photovoltaic panels.
Family camping in the middle of nature